Really helps speeding up but somehow the tabs tend to refresh automatically over a certain time period which interrupted the meetings, videos and events that take time even when I pinned the tabs. Hope you can fix it soon.
Request: exclude by domain feature would be nice to have
This is even better than what I was looking for, since I don't have to manually unload anything. Suggestion: Add exceptions by host, like do not park or, etc. Sure I could just pin them, but then it would be a nice feature for those who heavily uses tab groups. For example, my tab group about communication has 5 different tabs, and I don't want any of them pinned.
Simple and effective.
I LOST ALL MY TABS: I am a workona user. I don't know if it's attributable to this but I see all my tabs but when I click on them, or even click GO BACK, nothing happens. I have the feeling I lost all my tabs in this current Workona folder! I had the feeling they might be incompatible! BEWARE!
There is a serous bug with the idle time detection.
To the developers I say you did a great job! This app was extremely helpful to speed up my browsing experience. I would absolutely give it five stars except for one thing. The only way to make an exception to a tab is to pin it. I would like to see another option such as right click so that you can cherry-pick which tabs you want to be exempt without having to pin it. I'm not a developer but this doesn't seem like so difficult. After that I think it deserves 5 stars!
This is a bit of a spyware as the so called "memory save" pings a google cloud server ( see )
После выхода компьютера из Сна, оперативной памяти нет совсем, буквально 1-4 мб, всё зависает. Приходится убивать хром. Далее запускаю Хром, нажимаю "Восстановить", вкладки возвращаются, но половина не открывается. Кнопка Go Back не работает! НАФИГ! удалил и не советую никому
After installing it I get a "back" button that does nothing, and re-loading the tab after closing (to try again) results in a url sayin DON'T INSTALL THIS! I wish I never did.
Has a tendency to crap out and destroy all your tabs. Bad. Nice when it works, but when it takes hours to re-find information it has destroyed, it's not worth it.
Спасибо! Очень полезное расширение!
Крайне рекомендую автору сменить в "Go Back" javascript:history.back(); на прямую ссылку на страницу, на которой до этого находился пользователь, т.к. иногда браузер крашится и при восстановлении вкладок javascript:history.back(); не переводит никуда, т.к. в истории просто ничего нет, соотвественно переходить "назад" некуда.
Просто выключает не используемые вкладки. И всЁ! Есть более продвинутые расширения.
No problem whatsoever, it parks unpinned tabs, uses minimal or no memory for them and it reloads them when you click. It made Chrome faster for me.
no funciona.
Really frustrating. Sometimes ALL of the parked tabs cannot be reloaded. The javascript that calls history seems to fail. HORRIBLE loss of weeks of work due to this instability. Not sure if this is an artifact of co-existence with Session Buddy, but even if it is, the result is unacceptable.
se ve buena...claro que no se cuando esta on y cuando en off
Whitelist is absolutely necessary. "Exclude pinned tabs" is not enough.
It's great, BUT, it changes the URL of the tab, which makes it incompatible with a lot of other extensions. Booo.
It often doesn't work! I have set the timeout limit as 15min., but I often find that it takes a lot longer for the app to make the tab stand by.
Не понятно как работать с исключениями. Даже в закрепленных вкладках, я хотел бы иметь возможность выбора выгружаемых. Слабые настройки.
Great app. Hoping for tab whitelisting!
That's great app in my chrome but Home computer's chrome does work buggy. - Chrome always refresh when tab was suspended by TabMemFree. - when use my chrome in work PC, tab restored when I click a suspended tab. - but when use my chrome in home, I clicked a suspended tab or not, it always refresh suspend tab. so, I use alternative extenstion and it works when setting local blank page. and, I suggest exception filter with user custom list (regex, etc.)
It worked well until last week,now all opened pages will turn to "404" after several minutes,I know it may not the extension's fault 'cause I'm in China...I have to disable it.
I'm so angry at this extension. I lost my long list of tabs and my history now shows only an obfuscated list of links to appspot. I cannot recommend this to anyone.
Add url exceptions, an example why might be grooveshark.
希望可以擴充除外網域會更好。 If can set "exclude domains" by user will be better!
Reduce el consumo de recursos del navegador al abrir demasiadas pestañas y mantenerlas abiertas durante un tiempo. Cada pestaña es un nuevo servicio que consume memoria y TabMemFree las deja hibernando si no la estás leyendo en este momento.
same times it closes tabs that was used in less then minute
We should be able to choose the tab-idle-time ourselves. I dont see why devs take away simple decisions from users :/ Other than that, its not bad. 'The Great Suspender' is probably better i'd say
Simple and works great!
Some of the tabs never reopen and the url is lost so I don't know what the page was. Some of the tabs reopen just fine and then it's a good extension.
Awesome, saves a lot of memory and helps keep my pc fast
Отличное приложение. Проверяет по таймеру открытые вкладки, и если ими долго не пользовались - очищает их. При переходе на вкладку страница перезагружается и с ней снова можно работать.
It loses the url
Nice, but a whitelist of sites it would be great! or update time when tabmemfree will begin.
I don't really see the point of this. It swallows tabs up into some hibernation state that takes a long time to reload when you click on the tab and obfuscates the url so you wait until it loads to see what it is. It doesn't save on memory usage at all. Right now, Chrome is using over 1GB of memory even though all my tabs are being 'managed' by this extension. I wanted to try OneTab to see how it works and it complains that I have to uninstall TabMemFree first. Grrrrrr! I uninstalled TMF and restarted and OneTab still complains that it it needs to be uninstalled. Interfering with another extension and not allowing itself to be fully uninstalled. This is the behavior of malware pure and simple. This should be banned. Update: It gets even worse. Upon restarting Chrome, all my tabs now have that obfuscated TMF url and they do not reload any more. I had to manually go back for each tab to get the original url. BTW, OneTab now works after doing this. With the click of a button, memory usage was reduced by half. Most of that is being used by extensions.
This is a great extension! My one feature request would be a domain/url based ignore list.
It's nice except it needs a rt-click menu on tab with choices: -> Unload this tab -> Unload other tabs and to be able to go down as low at 2 minutes. I'm resorting to a new task manager that has a built in Trim RAM feature for any or all processes so I can force Iron/Chrome tabs onto the swap file and it's amazing how many processes and RAM Chrome can hog up. Each extension gets a process also and so you can see a list of 35 or 200 Chrome processes running with no idea which one is which. Another feature would be to trim RAM for not currently being used extension processes.
Very good extension. Please better favicon!! Thank you.
can restore my original link on every tabs! :(
It's really working very well! No more lethargic behaviour at Chrome after a long period of work or idle. Just remember to click on the icon and leave it with the arrows! Great product!
New to Chrome and parked tabs are so common with FF, I'm floored to see the Chrome community struggling. No idea what technical obstacle Chrome presents that forces developers to use this method but like many have mentioned, through no fault of your own, this method is too unreliable - especially considering stability diminishes as tabs increase. Too afraid to lose critical data; back to babysitting Chrome Manager.