I stress it does not get any easier to save money online. I save $65 today alone! A great app!
iLove pinching the pennies!!!
Don't know why anyone would be upset with this shopping app. I save money when I didn't even expect to. Just saved $35.00 and I didn't have to anything except say yes to "try codes?"
Terrible misleading program. Nontransparent website. I wasn't able to get their email to write in a compaint. I had to call in, suffer through the archaic AI, talk to an agent, then a superviosr who did not transcribe what I wanted it to say, and after I pointed that out, finally gave me the email to compain: [email protected]. Make sure you use the link even though you land at the merchant website. The link expires after 24 hours. The website does not say this. I have been using this program since 2022 and have lost out on so many rewards. At least they now how a page you can toggle to that shows you inactive and active offers. This will show how you triggered a reward, and the result of the reward. Good luck.
never got my onboarding 20$ credit. terrible experience
Its simple, it shops for you and the discounts are found.
I like saving even if its only $5.00
The ad said $10 reward, but it's only for Apple devices and not for androids.
Promised a $45 bonus for Petco if I added the Chrome Extension. Added it and it says I do not have any pending bonuses. Once downloaded there is no direction showing you how you will redeem the bonus either. Apparently after reading other reviews I am not the only one suckered into adding the extension. I will be deleting it now.
This shopping browser has saved me literally hundreds of dollars over the past 2.5 years. I don't know what took me so long. I was using another service but began switching between browsers with two different add-on extensions to compare performance. This one does it for me.
Remove the expectation that it applies a magic coupon code for every single item every single time you want to purchase something online. Capital shopping will occasionally apply random codes to save money. $40 here, $8 there, it also allows for automatic price comparison on Amazon vs ebay vs other popular commerce sights to identify areas where you can spend less. Nothing wrong with it in the long run.
Its simple, it shops for you and the discounts are found.
It's wonderful. It helps with pricing almost everywhere that I shop.
This is a lie, there is no bonus
Just saved $23 at JCP (online) with Capital One. I've learned to read the fine print to make sure the offer applies to what I am purchasing. I don't have the extension...I don't feel comfortable with adding them.
They saved me $30 on my test kit from Basepaws, that is no small chunk of change! I was shocked when the total dropped from their sale price of $89 to only $59, I could not complete that sale fast enough in fear that it was a mistake! Lol Thank you so much Capital One for finding the discount codes!!! I am very pleased!
"Saved" me $18 from TWO websites, which they claim they DO NOT support; yet they're listed in the cash back section. Best part? I CAN'T use that $18. WHAT A JOKE.
great shopping exprience
Promised me a $25 bonus when I signed up and put the extension on my phone, it lied. Straight up lied to me. No bonus just running me in circles. Waste of my time and pissed me off.
This is awesome and I didn't even know I could save money like this
Perhaps False advertising. Says there is a $40 reward which can make you think if you say yes that you get $40 off what you are buying. But this won't happen.
bought tix on ticket master Cap1 prompted me to "Redeem your $40 reward" upon clicking would just take me the Chrome extensions page (I've the Cap1 Chrome Extension), so much for the $40 reward - frustrating.
Great place to shop.
I love Capital one shopping... always looks for the best deal!!
good savings ! thankyou!
Save every single time and it's so easy!
love saving everytime!!!
So easy to use!! I love saving money "automatically"! Everyone should use this service!
Dude i just saved 15 dollars
i have honey, coupert, and capital one. capital one, atleast latley, has been giving me the best codes. but not all the time, so while i do think theres value in having multiple, capital one is the first one i would download.
Love the savings.
great service
Great Service
works great. usually, YouTube and Twitch try and stop adblocks from working, so no, any comment saying it worked are NOT bots, it just worked on those platforms at the time.
Used to just close the pop up and ignore. Finally clicked on it and let it do its thing. Really works. Between the better price it found, Capital One cash back and promo codes it found (and tried them all automatically without having to type them in myself) , it saved me substantially. And that's after I was sure I had found the best price. Smart app for sure
It works! excellent
Easy to use and always saves me a great amount of money.
It works! I've saved hundreds of dollars using this app. Every time it pops up I say "shake it up betty!" and sometimes I get lucky, and sometimes I don't. But it does work. It's a great app.
$45 dollars off! $25 dollars off!! yeah right.. just bait to install their browser on the desktop. jumped through all their links and ended up paying full price. no credit back, no coupon. every other 5 star rating is bot.
It works!!!
yay cap 1 shopping is the shiznit!!!
I like it and trusted.
Capital One credit cards are the best. The cash back option has been fantastic
Captial one rocks!
I love my Capital one credit card. I've had it for many years now and use it all the time.
real deal amazing
Lopadotemachoselachogaleokranioleipsanodrimhypotrimmatosilphiokarabomelitokatakechymenokichlepikossyphophattoperisteralektryonoptokephalliokigklopeleiolagoiosiraiobaphetraganopterygon is a fictional dish originating from Aristophanes' 391 B.C. comedy Assemblywomen,[1] deriving from a transliteration of the Ancient Greek word λοπαδοτεμαχοσελαχογαλεοκρανιολειψανοδριμυποτριμματοσιλφιοκαραβομελιτοκατακεχυμενοκιχλεπικοσσυφοφαττοπεριστεραλεκτρυονοπτοκεφαλλιοκιγκλοπελειολαγῳοσιραιοβαφητραγανοπτερύγων. In A Greek–English Lexicon, it is defined as a "name of a dish compounded of all kinds of dainties, fish, flesh, fowl, and sauces".[2] It is the longest Greek word, containing 171 letters and 78 syllables. The transliteration has 183 Latin characters and is the longest word ever to appear in literature, according to the Guinness World Records (1990).[3] Variant forms The form of the word quoted here is the version listed in the Liddell & Scott Greek lexicon (1940) and quoted therein as being amended by August Meineke,[2] contrasting F.W. Hall and W.M. Geldart's 1907 edition of Aristophanis Comoediae (used in the Assemblywomen play) variant of (differences underlined): λοπαδοτεμαχοσελαχογαλεοκρανιολειψανοδριμυποτριμματοσιλφιοτυρομελιτοκατακεχυμενοκιχλεπικοσσυφοφαττοπεριστεραλεκτρυονοπτεκεφαλλιοκιγκλοπελειολαγῳοσιραιοβαφητραγανοπτερυγώ.[4] Description The dish was a fricassée, with at least 16 sweet and sour ingredients, including the following:[3] Fish slices Fish of the Elasmobranchii subclass (a shark or ray fish) Rotted dogfish or small shark's head A generally sharp-tasting dish of several ingredients grated and pounded together Silphion, possibly a kind of giant fennel, now believed extinct A kind of crab, shrimp, or crayfish Honey poured down Wrasse (or thrush) A kind of sea fish or blackbird as topping Wood pigeon Domestic pigeon Rooster The roasted head of dabchick Hare, which could be a kind of bird or a kind of sea hare New wine boiled down Wing and/or fin Context The term is used in the ultimate chorus of the play, when Blepyrus (and the audience) are summoned to the first feast laid on by the new system. [1167] And you others, let your light steps too keep time. [1168] Very soon we'll be eating [1170] lopadotemachoselachogaleokranioleipsanodrimypotrimmatosilphiokarabomelitokatakechymenokichlepikossyphophattoperisteralektryonoptekephaliokigklopeleiolagoiosiraiobaphetraganopterygon [sic]. [1175] Come, quickly, seize hold of a plate, snatch up a cup, and let's run to secure a place at table. The rest will have their jaws at work by this time. — translation ed. Eugene O'Neill, 1938[1] English translations In English prose translation by Leo Strauss (1966), this Greek word is rendered as "oysters-saltfish-skate-sharks'-heads-left-over-vinegar-dressing-laserpitium-leek-with-honey-sauce-thrush-blackbird-pigeon-dove-roast-cock's-brains-wagtail-cushat-hare-stewed-in-new-wine-gristle-of-veal-pullet's-wings".[5] English verse translation by Benjamin Bickley Rogers (1902) follows the original meter and the original form of composition: Plattero-filleto-mulleto-turboto- -Cranio-morselo-pickleo-acido- -Silphio-honeyo-pouredonthe-topothe- -Ouzelo-throstleo-cushato-culvero- -Cutleto-roastingo-marowo-dippero- -Leveret-syrupu-gibleto-wings.[6] An older English verse translation by Rev. Rowland Smith (1833) breaks the original word into several verses: Limpets, oysters, salt fish, And a skate too a dish, Lampreys, with the remains Of sharp sauce and birds' brains, With honey so luscious, Plump blackbirds and thrushes, Cocks' combs and ring doves, Which each epicure loves, Also wood-pigeons blue, With juicy snipes too, And to close all, O rare! The wings of jugged hare![7]
5 stars
Real saving, like it well.