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כשהאתר בצבע שחור כבר אז הוא מציג את הרקע כ-לבן. וכל פריט שצבעו שחור מומר ללבן. זה משפיע גם על סרטים, הוא הופך את צבעי הסרטון גם אם הם כבר שחורים והוא משנה את הגוון של העור וכדו'
Makes things dark, just how I like it.
Works good
I think it needs some work , it work on most of the sites but on already black site in undo's the black to white , it should have a checking tool which check whether the site is already back or not
Doesn't work on chrome web store so every time I get on it I get flashed banged
Petasittek yaratıcının volume master uygulamasından buldum, gerçekten çok işe yarayan uzantıları var. Petasittek'i seviyorum
I really want this to work... but it's just so inconsistent. Some pages look great! It's all blacked out and all the details are still there etc etc... But the issue is that even on YouTube, a place where it should be pretty dialed in because it's so popular. It reverses images everywhere. I feel like there should be some kind of differentiation going on between items on the screen and not just flip the colors of everything... Feels lazy but I'm sure it's a lot more involved than I know. I decided against all the coding professions because I can't deal with the boredom of typing and fixing errors as my full-time job. Which is funny cause that's basically what my job is anyways in data entry. Oh well. Anyways, I would love it if it wasn't just creating negatives of like 90% of every image. It's too much and it makes everything look so bad.