Why remove bot followers:
Your followers and what they Like, influences your "For you" feed. This gives power to the botnet owners to promote content they choose on X. It's best not to have any of these bots in your followers.
- Navigate to your followers list, usually at "https://x.com/YOUR_USERNAME/followers"
- Open the X Bot Remover extension.
- Review parameters, by default it will remove all followers (suspected bots) with:
- Less than 50 followers themselves
- Following more than 1000
- Have 0 posts (i.e. zero posting activity - you might want to increase this slightly)
- Make sure your "Messages" panel is minimised before you start the process, otherwise it will interfere with the automation.
More information at: https://vanderwalt.de/blog/x-bot-remover
Change list:
- Bug fixed in Posts parsing and improved latest tweet age calculation
- Added "Inactivity Period" rule - Removes followers where latest post is older than X days.
- Added a "Default profile pic" rule - Removes followers that have no profile pic set.
- Added a "Settings Page" - allowing to store technical parameters relating to the automation.
- Added a "Nr of digits in username >=" rule - will remove followers with names like "Karen1234567"
- Improved follower processing logic resulting in significant speedup.
- Added a "Skip number of followers" input, so that you can resume a bot removal session from deeper into your follower list. This is useful if you have a large number of followers.
- Bug fix on follower processing error