Data is synced from the Chrome Web Store. View the official store page for the most current information.
Works just fine 👍 Thanks for the great extension!
Using an old editor called programmers notepad (as light as notepad), it seems the CSV is not just UTF8, but UTF8-no mark. I think it mean UTF8-no BOM. I change it there to utf8, for I might have accented things. It also save the CSV line feeds as unix LF (not a problem).
when i open csv with excel, it's bad character.
Doesn't work.
Very good, it work so amazing
cannot get image links
Добавьте горячие клавиши пожалуйста Add hotkeys please
I use this for image embedding in Notion. I know a bookmarklet can do this, but I have to copy paste them into excel everytime, and with this extension, it's so easy! Also, in case anyone want to use the bookmarklet, here it goes: ```javascript javascript:(function()%7Bif(frames.length>1)alert(%27Sorry, frames detected.%27)%3Belse%7Bwnd%3Dopen(%27%27,%27lnkswnd%27,%27width%3D250,height%3D500,top%3D0,left%3D0,scrollbars,resizable%27)%3Blnks%3Ddocument.links%3Bwith(wnd.document)%7Bwriteln(%27<html><scr%27%2B%27ipt>function opnUrl(url)%7Bopener.location.href%3Dunescape(url)%3Bclose()%3B%7D</scr%27%2B%27ipt>%27)%3Bfor(var i%3D0%3Bi<lnks.length%3Bi%2B%2B)%7Bwriteln(%27<li><a href%3D"javascript:opnUrl(%5C%27%27%2Bescape(lnks%5Bi%5D.href)%2B%27%5C%27)">%27%2Blnks%5Bi%5D.innerHTML%2B%27</a></li>%27)%3B%7Dwriteln(%27</html>%27)%3Bclose()%3B%7D%7D%7D)() ```
I was looking for a way to download all my photos from the horrendous Photobucket and god, I tried lots of recommended extensions and they didn't meet my expectation until I tried this. Luckily I once had a place to share all my photos linked from PTB so all the images are presented in a single web page then I grabbed all the image links then exported them to the .csv file -> open it with Excel then sort the links by domain -> copypasta-ed the image links I need to a file downloader then BAM!, all my photos are in my computer and waiting to be reuploaded to another image hosting site. TL;DR: Your extension is a life saver dude!
trimakasih crome
Very useful to download link of images at once. Please keep it updated and add more features.