Data is synced from the Chrome Web Store. View the official store page for the most current information.
DeepSeek to PDF Exporter allows you to select questions and answers obtained on DeepSeek and save them to your computer in PDF format. You can select only the parts that interest you and the formatting of the answers will be unchanged in the PDF. Therefore, if there are tables, links, images or emoticons in the chat, these will be saved as is in the PDF document.
Using the app is simple:
Downloading a DeepSeek conversation as a PDF on your PC can be useful for several reasons:
Easy Reference & Offline Access A PDF allows you to access the conversation without an internet connection. You can revisit important discussions anytime without reopening DeepSeek.
Documentation & Record-Keeping Saves useful information, such as research notes, coding solutions, or troubleshooting guides. Helps track progress on ongoing projects or conversations.
Sharing & Collaboration Easily share the conversation with colleagues, friends, or clients in a professional format. Useful for team discussions, academic work, or business documentation.
Security & Backup Keeps a personal copy of the conversation instead of relying on cloud storage. Useful for sensitive or confidential discussions.
Legal & Compliance Reasons Provides proof of conversation history in business, legal, or contractual matters. Helps maintain transparency in communications.