Data is synced from the Chrome Web Store. View the official store page for the most current information.
ottima estensione, peccato che con le limitazioni di chrome presto smetterà totalmente di funzionare
Muy util y funciona correctamente. excelente extension
Super. trochę mniej śledzenia.
This seems to be the only extension I have come across that actually effectively performs this specific function, so, alongside it's thorough user control, it's a shame to see the recent appearances of the browser's 'loss of support' warning dialogue box. However I do now see in the overview text above that the developer themselves state that support may not be available for browser 'variants'... perhaps checking out their GitHub page will offer insight necessary for moving forward with their product despite aforementioned shenanigans.
Good Extention works as expected Thx fo devs
La preferisco rispetto ad altre, spero però che sistemate queste " best practice" di chrome perché altrimenti smetterà di funzionare.
I had this in Chrome and noticed a few cookies that were on multiple websites.... and knew that I had it installed but then noticed it was missing. Did Google remove it with a Chrome update? As soon as I reinstalled, it deleted 1,536 cookies...... If Google removes this again, I'm switching to Chrome or Edge.
Nach 100x aktualisieren vom Cookie Count Tracker auf der Willkommensseite erzählt es hätte 2935 Cookies gelöscht und unter Google Websiteberechtigung findet das System diese Cookies jedoch alle wieder als gespeichert. Hoffe Umatrix macht es besser.
Excelente extensión de momento va bien.
Cookie管理はこれ一択、ちゃんと管理出来て取っておきたいサイト以外を 時間で消すとか諸々出来て優秀、インストールして損はない、おすすめ
I believe it is one of the most beneficial Chrome extensions; it automatically deletes cookies after closing the webpage.
A little confusing on how it works but once it was configured was great. It provide an easy way to clear out one bad sites' cookies easily. Love it. I hope it doesnt go away.