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我是mac 按转后option+X没有反应,点击图标也无法显示侧边栏
Not working anymore
Não vale a pena instalar, Já não funciona.
It's fine from me but there is one problem which should be solved very soon which is to show all the extensions because I am a website design and developer and I need different extensions from time to time so I think you should put the option to show extensions here.
Using version 1.3.3, the plugin does the work managing tab to sidebar view. But during my use, it's not really responsive. I hope the dev can make the experience more smooth
Probably only works with new tabs and shows everything in one list
a menos que só funcione no Arc onde consegue aparecer ao mover o rato para a borda da janela não consigo fazer funcionar em mais nenhum browser. Experimentei no Opera, No Google Chrome e sei lá mais onde. E o que raio quer dizer Art+x para chamar a barra lateral? [Alt]+[x]? Devia ser mas não faz nada.
Всё работает
не работает