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good but unusable because it forces the window to be maximized and I can't use the extension and keep the browser window at the size I want that just fills part of the screen. Would keep it if not for that but uninstalling now
I can see how this Manifest v3 extension can become useful and versatile. However, the developers really need to integrate common Keyboard Shortcuts into its designated screen. This is essential for tasks that need quick actions, like flipping between recent tabs. Installing the extension should add common Keyboard Shortcut tasks into the Extensions > Keyboard Shortcuts settings. Currently, I'd need to hit Alt+Q to Activate this Extension. Then, I'd need to type the single letter, assigned to my preset tab-specific keyboard shortcut. These shortcuts are created •only• inside the Extension. It's powerful, in that sense, but not ideal for everyday power usage. Here are my recommendations for improvement: 1. Hybridize the keyboard shortcuts. Add the commonly used shortcuts into Chrome's Keyboard Shortcuts settings screen. Off the top of my head, these are the essentials: a) Flip between the two most Recent Tabs b) Switch to Previous Tab c) Switch to Next Tab 2. Retain current functionality for keyboard shortcuts inside the Extension. That is, Tabs' URL-specific keyboard shortcuts, outside of the Chrome's Keyboard Shortcuts options, still get setup inside Switch Tabs Shortcut's settings. Few, if any, Extensions utilize this hybrid approach, especially if we're only looking at Manifest v3 Extensions. Using CTRL+Tab to flip between Recent Tabs should be part of this Extension's core functionality. I presumed that this feature was a given, but it's not, so I'll edit my review after subsequent updates. For users with tons of tabs, I'd also recommend a Vertical Tabs Extension to put tabs in the side panel, saving screen real estate.
good one, love this keyboard hotkeys!
nice tabs switcher! must have for those who manage more than 5 tabs and 1 chrome window
awesome, the best tabs switcher ever, thx man!
Super useful for those who have more than one window with tabs! I simply assign Hotkeys to favorite tabs and switch betwen them on the fly! 🔥