Data is synced from the Chrome Web Store. View the official store page for the most current information.
Easy to use with the real "just one click".
好用,新增功能建议:点击清理缓存时可以支持把 chrome://net-internals/#sockets 资源回收
Спасибо, отлично работает. Сделайте пожалуйста ещё функцию "Очистить и закрыть браузер".
很好用,特别是清理后自动刷新一次页面,这个体验非常棒! 但是 存在一个很影响体验的问题 针对应用的设置,会在若干天后失效,变成默认状态,需要重新设置一遍 新增功能建议:点击清理缓存时,是否同时关闭其他页面
It clears all the cache in one click. Convenient and fast. Recommended. I haven't found a better one yet.
Работает, спасибо.
I would say that, Clear Cache Extension is very important in this world. However, simple cache cleaner, is exactly what is needed. thank