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{ "update_url": "https:\/\/\/service\/update2\/crx", "version": "1.9.0", "manifest_version": 3, "minimum_chrome_version": "88", "name": "Deep Fake Detector", "description": "The Fakespot Deepfake Detector will help you sort out text written by humans from text that has been created using AI tools.", "short_name": "Deep Fake Detector", "content_scripts": [ { "js": [ "content.js" ], "matches": [ "<all_urls>" ], "run_at": "document_idle" } ], "action": { "default_title": "Deep Fake Detector", "default_icon": "assets\/icons\/icon128.png" }, "permissions": [ "unlimitedStorage", "activeTab", "storage", "contextMenus" ], "host_permissions": [ "http:\/\/*\/*", "https:\/\/*\/*" ], "web_accessible_resources": [ { "resources": [ "*.png", "*.css", "*.otf", "*.svg", "*.gif", "*.html" ], "matches": [ "<all_urls>" ] } ], "icons": { "16": "assets\/icons\/icon16.png", "48": "assets\/icons\/icon48.png", "128": "assets\/icons\/icon128.png" }, "commands": { "analyze_selection": { "description": "Analyze the currently selected text", "suggested_key": { "default": "Ctrl+Shift+Comma", "mac": "Command+Shift+Comma" } } }, "background": { "service_worker": "background.js" } }