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Stopped working, extension seems abandoned
It doesn't work 🤬
Proposta muito interessante, mas não funcionou a contento no Canary x64 82.0.4048.3.
Hi, It`s not working. Just get a No Document Is Open Page
Love this extention, but it stopped working some time ago on Chromium, Vivaldi and Chrome. Please fix.
I have a problem - look into the link How can I decide it?
stopped working (15.11.2019)
stopped working recently
Dynalist 에서 2개의 노트가 한 화면에 병렬로 보이게 해주는 확장입니다. 두 노트를 서로 참조하면서 리스트를 작성 하려고 할때 유용합니다. 잘 동작하네요!
It's very useful! Thank you very much! :)