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Hand-picked for quality and usefulness
{ "update_url": "https:\/\/\/service\/update2\/crx", "manifest_version": 3, "name": "Select like a Boss - Select all kinds of text by dragging \u2194", "description": "With this extension, you can easily select link text just like regular text, making it easier to copy. Just Select like a Boss! ;)", "version": "2024", "icons": { "16": "icon\/16.png", "32": "icon\/32.png", "48": "icon\/48.png", "96": "icon\/96.png", "128": "icon\/128.png" }, "permissions": [ "storage" ], "version_name": "2024 Sep 1", "options_page": "help.html", "background": { "service_worker": "background.js" }, "action": { "default_title": "Select like a Boss", "default_popup": "popup.html" }, "content_scripts": [ { "matches": [ "<all_urls>" ], "js": [ "content-scripts\/content.js" ] } ] }