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NewTaber is a lightweight Chrome extension that automatically opens all clicked links in new tabs, enhancing your browsing experience. Features include: 1、Automatically converts all link clicks to new tab opens 2、Works on any webpage without configuration 3、No data collection, respecting your privacy 4、Simple and clean design with zero interference 5、Improves multi-tasking efficiency while browsing
NewTaber 是一个轻量级的 Chrome 扩展,可以自动将所有点击的链接在新标签页中打开,提升您的浏览体验。主要功能包括: 1、自动将所有链接点击转换为新标签页打开 2、适用于任何网页,无需配置 3、不收集任何数据,保护您的隐私 4、简洁的设计,零干扰 5、提高多任务浏览效率 这个描述既保持了简洁性,又完整地展示了产品的核心价值和主要特点,同时照顾到了中英文用户的需求。