Data is synced from the Chrome Web Store. View the official store page for the most current information.
i would never be without Norton. So far so good for probably 20 years.
Well, this is NOT the Norton so-called "protection" I paid for. It protects from me getting on the websites that I know are safe and delays access to average sites like my Facebook and Pinterest pages. I have to refresh those pages a couple times before it lets me on. Not to mention that it tells me I have issues that I need addressed after it scans, BUT for an ADDITIONAL fee above what I already paid for, will it be fixed. I chose this all because McAfee was literally spamming me with renewing their protection.
Uyyy veo que tenemos los mismos problemas, salen permanentemente diciendo que el equipo esta lento y que se puede mejorar, pero es para pagarles mas dinero. No renovare
It would not download the extension. After reading the multiple negative reviews, I am quite happy it just spun its wheels.
hele tiden kommer med forslag om udvidelse