The "Media Converter and Muxer" is an easy-to-use extension to convert media files.
- Convert video and audio files to MP3 format
- Extract the original audio track from a video file (Lossless conversion)
- Merge a video and an audio file to generate a single file
- Reduce or increase the volume of a video or audio file
- Cut a video file into a small segment
- Fix syncing issue between audio and video tracks by shifting them
- Rotate a video file by 90, 180, or 270 degrees.
- Custom conversion to most well-known formats (MP4, MPEG, 3GP, AAC, APNG, GIF) with custom input and output parameters like bit-rate and video size
Operation modes:
- WASM mode (experimental): For conversions in this mode, there is no need for any permission. It uses the embedded FFmpeg for converting media files.
- Native mode: You will be asked to install a minimal native client. This native client works as a bridge to the well-known FFmpeg binary. Here you can see how to install the native client for different operation systems:
- Windows:
- Mac or Linux:
note that the video tutorial is steps for the "open-in" extension. Steps are similar for this extension as well.
Change Logs:
--- 0.1.3
- Supporting non-Ascii characters in file-names
- supporting native client version 0.3.1
--- 0.1.4
- Allow external command "open". It is now possible for other extensions and applications to open the converter window from their UI.
--- 0.1.5
- Uses browser's download manager to get FFmpeg executable
- Fixes
--- 0.1.6
- Fixes
--- 0.1.9
- You can now convert very large files!