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works exactly as described.
This fixed the always opening to chrome://new-tab-page-third-party/ since this doesn't seem to be something you can remove in the settings.
Empty pages finally! New tabs open so quickly now, no waiting for pointless things to load that I'm just going to replace in a moment anyway with the new URL I'm typing into the address bar. It also seems to reduce the annoying bug in Chrome where sometimes I'll type a URL, press Enter, and await for the new website to load, only for Chrome to completely ignore my Enter keypress (which seems to happen if I type the URL too quickly because it's still doing something in the background, but maybe with the empty tab, it's ready for input sooner). I don't see why chrome://settings doesn't just have this option in the first place so I can put about:blank in there.
Simple extension with blanket new tab page. Just install it and everything will work without any settings. That's what I needed.
It's not exactly what I want, I'd like to see the shortcuts I've set to appear. Or there could be settings to choose what to remove. Also, I would like to know exactly what settings are made. Maybe we can do it manually. I'd like to do it manually instead of using the extension because the PC is really "Low End".
Это идеальная новая вкладка: не моргает белым экранам при переходе и использовании темной темы и нормальный значок гугла на пустой вкладке. Наконец-то я тебя нашел!
I was looking for a clear favicon and no title but this works too, retains the factory look