Data is synced from the Chrome Web Store. View the official store page for the most current information.
Enabling this plugin will prevent embedded flowcharts in Lark doc documents from opening.
Looking forward to supporting WebGPU, we are willing to pay
It works perfectly for latest chrome, but can't work for Chrome 89 and above version. Since my browser can't upgrade to the new version due to some reasons, so I need this. Thanks for your nice extension !
Sometimes when reloading the page: Is fingerprint spoofed by persistent noise: false
Absolutely useless. Even while it says my fingerprint is randomized, I'm on browserleaks seeing that it's not
need fix, it not working, I'm using
aun recuerdoo cuando era indispensable coontar con estaa app para la utenticidad y seguridad de tus cuentas !!
Not amused getting every time I launch my browser now. Never use to get it. It never finishes loading. I've tried to go to their bug site but all I get is that page again. I really need this fixed. This website is still able to detect wheather we are spoofing WebGL Fingerprint or not so now what is the benefit of using it?
Несовершенно конечно, но это проблема не расширения а некоторых сайтов, которые хотят знать больше о пользователях.
Ломает большинство сайтов где используется WebGL, например на гугл картах, карта просто становится чёрной, при посмотре улиц вокруг непонятные точки с волнами, онлайн браузерные игры вовсе перестают адекватно работать
Does what it claims to in the most convenient way possible. I don't know why would anyone need a whitelist for this addon (seen this as a downside in another review) - it's hard to imagine a situation where a legit website feature would be broken because of what this addon does, this is not an adblocked that removes parts of the page outright. I also don't think it is fair to criticize the addon for spoofing being detectable - it might be technically impossible due to addon api limitations. It would be a nice feature to have, though.