Data is synced from the Chrome Web Store. View the official store page for the most current information.
it was Chinese at first glance but hey. that ain't half bad.
This is good but, there needs to be a way to add websites to the farm list, in the GUI somewhere. Also, it would be nice if there were sets of managed lists that we could choose from. Allow users to submit custom lists, allow us to download and use custom lists from others, and establish some sort of grand repository and I would definitely recommend it.
Content Farm Blocker is a good concept, but it really doesn't block all of the content farms sadly.
現在內容農場越來越精,每次都出現在搜尋結果前一兩個一不注意就點進去 封了一個網域馬上又出現新的,農場都去吃屎 雖然只是簡單的阻擋功能但卻能避免每次你點進農場那種被騙的不爽
只有擋幾個很基本的內農 新的都沒擋 那我看標題判斷就好了 幹嘛載你這個?